
We are engaging widely with the region to develop a commercial strategy for the West Midlands Secure Data Environment.

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The Commercial workstream has two main aims:

  1. To develop a route to sustainability of the platform
  2. To ensure the operating processes align with NHS England’s Value Sharing Framework.

Value Sharing Framework

The Value Sharing Framework for NHS data partnerships sets out the following set of guiding principles.

Principle 1: Cost of access should not prevent good use of data

Principle 2: The NHS will always charge a fee for accessing health data

Principle 3: The cost of access should depend on how data is being used

Principle 4: The NHS should share in the value created by its data

The West Midlands Secure Data Environment will provide three core services:

  • Platform as a Service – providing a safe environment for access to data by approved researchers.
  • Consultancy as a Service – providing research support and advisory services.
  • Data as a Service – preparing data so that it is safe for approved research uses.

A national deliberative engagement campaign taking place across England will give people an opportunity to discuss the commercial strategy for secure data environments, along with other aspects of the use of health and care data. In the West Midlands, local engagement events are offering people living in the region a chance to do the same. There are also ways to have an even bigger say. Visit our get involved page for more information.