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Patient and Public Advisory Group vlogs

In this series of video logs, or vlogs, members of our Patient and Public Advisory Group (PPAG) explore different aspects of the West Midlands SDE from a patient and public point of view.

You can watch the vlogs by using the links below.

PPAG member James Whitaker, in discussion with the SDE’s Patient and Public Involvement, Communications and Engagement workstream co-chair, Charlie Wonders.

Keith Fielding joins Information Governance Officer, Stephanie Kabare, to look at the protocols protecting people’s data.

Ernest Green meets with Professor Liz Sapey, co-chair of the SDE’s Information Governance and Ethics workstream. They talk about how consent and opt outs work in relation to the West Midlands SDE, as well as how the team ensures data is of a high quality.

Senior Responsible Officer, Professor Simon Ball, talks with PPAG member Ruth Hereford about the SDE’s successes so far and plans for what comes next.


This animation from research, policy and advocacy organisation, Understanding Patient Data, explains the importance of health data, how it is used and how it is looked after in our health and care system.

The animation below explains how secure data environments work and the benefits they provide. It also looks at who can use health data through an SDE and the security measures involved.